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No Time ~ Take Two! 2 Dumbbells that is and do this circuit challenge!

A. Get a pair of dumbbells that are just heavy enough to do 12 bicep curls.
Do not cheat yourself, if you slack and get a pair that is too light in weight you won't build muscle.
If you get a pair that is too heavy you will more than likely break good form, which could strain or cause injury to your ligaments.

B. You will be moving in a circuit motion, starting with the first move and then immediately go to the next move and then the next one. Perform 12 reps of each movement before moving to the next movement. Remember to keep your breathing active and good posture.

After doing all three moves at 12 reps each, rest for 1 minute (60 seconds)
After the 1 minute break, repeat the circuit again for a a total of 4 rounds.

If you find that you cannot complete 4 rounds your first go at this circuit, try to do what you can until you build up your strength and endurance working toward the 4 rounds.

If you find that 4 rounds were too easy, "A piece of cake", etc. then review the weight you used, you were probably too light. Also review your rest period, was it too long? Keeping your circuit challenging and your rest period to 1 minute will keep your body in the cardio and strength training zone. Breathing correctly helps with your endurance and will help you control your heartrate during this circuit.

The Moves: (After a 5-10 minute warm-up)
1. Dumbbell Front Squat with an Overhead Arnold Delt Press
2. Using a Swiss (Ab) Ball - lye on the ball on your back with legs supporting you and your body engaged (tight abs), perform a bent arm pull over with chest press. Reach overhead pulling from your lats, then do the tricep press, then press the dumbbells in a chest press (either wide chest press, or close chest press). If you prefer do 12 reps of the overhead lat pull, then 12 reps of the tricep overhead extentions, then 12 reps of the chest press.
3. Dumbbell lunge with a bicep curl. Perform alternating lunges while curling the dumbbells with your biceps for 12 reps. Once you have done 12 reps including the bicep curls, keep lunging for 12 more reps with your legs only, while holding the dumbbells at your side.

Enjoy this circuit and feel the strength! All the best to better health & fitness x2!

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