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Exercise during Pregnancy ~ The new advice for moms to be is to stay fit!

Pregnancy is such an exciting adventure. However, pregnancy can also be a nerve-racking experience. You are flooded with thoughts, emotions and questions. People used to view pregnancy as if the mother had the flu and should rest, hydrate, and eat well until she is better.

Thank goodness things have changed and research has proven that exercise is healthy for pregnant women. Their is of course those who now view the pregnant woman who exercises as invincible, or as she is having such an "easy" pregnancy.

Regardless, what was previously thought to be the time to take it easy is now encouraged to be the time to get moving. Exercising during pregnancy has numerous benefits for both mom and baby. It is not only OK to be active while pregnant, it's vital for the health and fitness for both mother and the baby.

Fortunately there are few restrictions for prenatal exercises, offering moms many options to incorporate fitness into their pregnancy. The list of benefits related to exercise during pregnancy seem to go on today. Studies have shown that mothers who exercised during pregnancy gave birth to leaner, calmer babies, healthier babies, who are often more likely to stay leaner later in life. These children were also in a high category of less likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes, an emerging epidemic in America. Giving your child a healthy start in life is one of best gifts you can give them. Think of it as passing on the 'fitness gene' to your unborn child.

Times have changed and we have plenty of information about pregnancy and fitness. The American Journal of Obstetrics concluded that babies born of women who exercised through pregnancy were often better able to adapt to their new environment after birth, compared to those who's mother did not exercise.

By December 2000, research proved that beginning a moderate weight-training routine in early pregnancy enhances fetoplacental growth. Further research in 2004 showed resistance training during pregnancy might help overweight women with gestational diabetes avoid insulin therapy.

In just the first few months of 2007, several studies have been published concluding that women who gained excess weight during pregnancy have a higher risk of needing a cesarean-section, and gave birth to children who had a higher risk of being overweight.

The prevalence of childhood obesity is extremely high in the U.S. Prevention seems to be our best bet, and it starts in the womb. If the trend of prenatal exercise catches on, the rising epidemic of obesity could be drastically slowed.

As if giving your child a healthy body wasn’t enough motivation, studies have even shown that exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the womb, enhancing brain development. So by simply doing something that provides yourself with a long list of benefits, you are giving your child a mental and physical head start in life.

Let's not forget to mention by exercising mom is also preparing for labor, gaining strength, stamina, and endurance. Exercise also helps minimize many side effects of pregnancy such as poor blood flow, leg cramps, fatigue, stress, blood pressure, improper weight gain, sleepliness, irritability, proper balance and core strength, muscle and joint stiffness, back ache, headaches, and more.

Sound familiar? The benefits for mom during pregnancy are also beneficial to others. You can enjoy these benefits just by adding an exercise routine to your life. So encourage your spouse, family members and friends to get fit and start their routine now no matter how big or small it is better than nothing. Even after baby arrives it is just as important to keep up an exercise program, after all mom and dad will both have to keep up the new baby...... :-)

All the best to current parents, moms-to-be and those on the journey toward parent ~ get moving and get fit!

Need some more information on Pregnancy? Try these sites:

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