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15 minutes to a leaner toned body! Use this workout to take the guesswork out of your workout. - The Fitness Twins

Let's face it, we all have very busy lives. From the time we wake up to the time we go to bed, we are all 'too busy'. So what can we do to make fitness a part of our life. Let's just focus on 15 minutes a day. Now that doesn't sound too bad!

The key to having a fit lifestyle and body is consistency and efficiency. By making just 15 minutes of your day your fitness time, you can transform your body in just a few short weeks. Our tip is making this 15 minutes worth your while by adding resistance with weights. There is no need to go super heavy, by using weights you can handle you will probably enjoy your "workout" for 15 minutes instead of feeling like you have just been "worked over". Of course we are not suggesting to throw down the heavier weights. When you have the time and your body needs a little more push, go stronger! But for fitting in a resistance program for 15 minutes try this scenario.

The workout:
3 three exercises per body part (3 sets each)
Your rests are very short, your 15-minute workout can produce the same benefits of an hours worth! How so? What about the rests? You get only a 15-second rest after every three sets, so you rest 12 times, or 360 seconds, which is 3 minutes. Added up, the total workout is 15 minutes.

* Day one you will be working your chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps.
For chest:

1. Flat dumbbell presses x 3
2. Chest flies x 3
3. Cross bench pullovers x 3
* three sets each (a set is a group of repetitions.) That is a total of 9 sets.

For Shoulders:
1. Overhead Shoulder Press x 3
2. Side Lateral Shoulder lifts x 3
3. Shoulder Upright rows x 3

For Biceps:
1. Standing Bicep Alternating Curls x 3
2. Standing Bicep Hammer Curls x 3
3. Seated Bicep Concentration Curls x 3

For Triceps:
1. Overhead Tricep Press x 3
2. Tricep Kick-back x 3
3. Tricep dips x 3

An ordinary workout that seeks to build bulk asks you to rest at least one minute after each set. That would mean 36 minutes of resting time! When you add the 33 minutes (with our workout, you rested only 3 minutes) to your workout, you have a 48-minute workout that you do in only 15 minutes.

What's the catch? You can't get big hulky muscles like Arnold, but what you do get is a lean, defined, toned body. This is often referred to as lean muscularity, plus this is a great maintenance routine when you can't his a big workout.

In addition, If you are just starting out, after 12 weeks of working out, your muscles will increase your metabolism, so you can eat 15 percent more than before without gaining weight! Putting more muscle fire in your body for burning calories!

You will be exercising one half of your body one day (upper), the other half the next (mid/lower), and then you will repeat one or two more times during the week.

* Day two will be back, abdominal, thighs and butt.
For Back:

1. Under hand bent over lat pulls x 3
2. One-arm lat rows x 3
3. Reverse flyes x 3

For Legs / Butt:
1. Standing squats x 3
2. Standing alternating lunges x 3
3. Deadlifts x 3

For the Abs:
1. Reverse crunches / or pelvic tilts x 3
2. Side Oblique crunches x 3 each side
3. Standard ab crunch x 3

Feel free to change up your moves to adapt to your body and fitness needs, but try to not be too easy on yourself, after all you are trying to make changes, right? These exercises listed will get you started. Have a great 15 minutes! Why not get started today! All the best to your fitness and good health.

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